Walk to School in Scotland
We want every child who can walk to school to be able to do so on safe and welcoming streets.
We work directly in 20 local authorities in Scotland delivering WOW – our walk to school challenge – and coast to coast in 28 local authorities to run Walk to School Week each May.
WOW encourages pupils to walk, wheel, cycle, scoot or ‘Park and Stride’ to school. Pupils track how they walk to school on our interactive WOW Travel Tracker with those who travel actively being awarded a WOW badge each month.
Currently 160 schools in Scotland take part and typically enjoy increases in active travel rates of 5-10%.
If your school gates are congested at drop off and pick up times, we can help you. We are funded by Transport Scotland and our local authority partners to work with schools right across Scotland. We may be able to help bring WOW to your school, so please get in touch to find out more.