Sheffield South West Local Group
Sheffield South West (previously Hunter’s Bar) Living Streets Group was formed in October 2021 by local parents frustrated with the barriers, obstacles and dangers involved in making local journeys by foot.
The danger is reflected in the high child pedestrian KSI (killed and seriously injured) rates for Sheffield. We want to bring these issues to the attention of decision makers in the city and to campaign for positive change so that active travel is safe for all.
Active travel is an important part of the solution to tackle the climate emergency, poor air quality in Sheffield and rising obesity rates. We want to do our part.
But current local pedestrian infrastructure doesn’t support this goal; it’s outdated and inadequate. We want to improve the status quo and to make it easier and safer to travel actively in our neighbourhood.
We're working towards improving the conditions for safe walking and cycling in Sheffield. We want to see:
A safer environment for active travel in our area.
Better connected neighbourhoods and amenities through improved routes and better infrastructure for pedestrians.
Pavements for people.
Ensure active travel and walking are on the agenda, and are reflected in policy, planning and decision making.
A strong, inclusive, and representative voice for local residents on these issues.
Do you want to increase your own or your children’s active travel and reduce your car use, but find it hard? Join us to demonstrate local demand for change. You can be involved as much or as little as you want.
We would love to hear from you. What are the barriers to your active travel? What actions would you like to see? What are your concerns? Please get in touch.