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Ways to fund WOW

start your journey with WOW today!

WOW rewards pupils for walking to school and before they know it, they've formed a life-long healthy habit. What sets WOW apart from other active travel schemes is that the activity takes place before and after school. Meaning it doesn't affect your school's learning schedule and combats parking and congestion problems, and improves air quality around the school gates.

From only around £2 per pupil per year, WOW is a simple and cost-effective way of encouraging pupils to travel actively to school. 

There are many ways your school can fund their journey with WOW, for example using PE and Sport Premium funding. Alternatively, if you have an active PTA you can work with them to raise funds to run WOW. Below you can find tips and resources to raise the funds yourself through partnerships or by hosting an event. 

If you have any questions on funding, WOW please get in touch at [email protected] or 020 7377 4900.




Did you know, that the PE and Sport Premium budget, allows schools to offer more sustainable physical activity initiatives to their pupils. This premium can be used to fund Living Streets’ WOW - the walk to school challenge and other active travel schemes.

Walking to school is a great way to encourage pupils to do regular exercise and maintain a healthy weight. By using your Sport Premium for active travel schemes before, and after school, you can also help to alleviate congestion and pollution around the school gates.

It's recommended that children do a minimum of 60 minutes' physical activity a day, yet just one in five achieves this level and one in three children are now leaving primary school overweight or obese. 


WOW costs approximately £2 per pupil for a whole year, and has proven results. This investment signifies a fraction of the total PE and Sport premium funding available for each school, into what is a highly effective and established initiative with clear benefits.

We currently deliver WOW – the walk to school challenge in around 2,000 schools. Through this incentivised scheme, there is a 23% increase in walk to school rates after just five weeks taking part. WOW has a big impact; delivering strong results from small investments. It's simple to run, fun and easy to take part and after just one year pupils have formed new healthy habits for life.

This is the perfect time to invest in Living Streets’ walk to school initiatives and benefit from the impact they make.




Local businesses are often looking for opportunities to make a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of people in their community. 

Here is some advice on the benefits of WOW sponsorship for businesses, identifying a good match and how to approach them.

  • Businesses based in close proximity to the school will experience many of the same benefits of WOW as you do: fewer cars on the road, reduced congestion, better air quality and improved road safety.
  • Many local businesses will rely on passing trade. More people walking means more footfall around the area, which could lead to an increase in custom for those
  • Many of the benefits of WOW align with common corporate social responsibility
    (CSR) aims that businesses will have and sponsoring your school can help them
    achieve their targets. 


Securing funds from a trust or foundation is a longer term approach to funding WOW which could result in a partnership that lasts for several years.

There are likely to be a number of grant making organisations in your area who give funds to local projects. Here are a few steps to consider when exploring this route.

  1. Find a grant - you may already be aware of some grants in your area but if not, you can find lots of information online.
  2.  Do your research - make sure your application fits the grant’s eligibility criteria you
    Some funders might only award grants to registered charities,
    others will have specific location requirements. WOW fits in well with aims around health, the environment or the local community.
    3) Write your application - some funders will be happy with a letter, others have
    their own application form for you to fill in. 

Want to get WOW at your school?

Start striding to school today!