1. WOW Champion/s introduce WOW to all pupils and school staff. Remind everyone of the importance of walking to school. A WOW Champion is a member of school staff in charge or running WOW at your school.
2. For a more pupil-led challenge, select your pupil WOW Ambassadors to help run WOW in your school.
3. Log in to the WOW Travel Tracker at traveltracker.org.uk using your three-word classroom access code and set up your classes. You will use the Travel Tracker every day to record journeys.
4. At the end of each month the WOW Travel Tracker will tell you who has earned a badge. Hand these out and encourage pupils to keep going in order to collect them all.
N.B. Our ‘Walk/ Wheel’ icon on Travel Tracker counts as an active journey. This icon includes pupils walking with the use of mobility aids, including wheelchairs or wheeled walkers.