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Our Local Groups create change one street, community, town and city at a time.

Something exciting is happening in communities up and down the country. People are getting together to reclaim their streets and neighbourhoods and improve them for walking. 

The time has come for us to create more liveable, healthier streets across the UK and to demand for practical and effective actions that make that happen.


Take a look below to see if there is a Local Group near you, otherwise why not start one up yourself and make a lasting difference to your community! Whether it's leading a walk in your area, calling for changes in street design, improving school routes or advocating for 20 mph, we can help you take action in your area.

find a local group

Channel Islands

Can't see a group locally and want to establish one with our support?

Charles Maher Walking Champion Award

Some of our Local Groups have received the Living Streets’ Charles Maher Award in recent years. The award recognises an individual, group or organisation that is campaigning to get more people walking in their area.